Saturday, April 9, 2011

The diary of somebody:a simple story - troubles of a 14-year-old girl called Lily

What somebody wishes to tell her friends but can't:
You guys want me to be a very nice awesome friend who like everything you like and hates everything you hate and does everything the way you like it to be done.Always listens to you, does everything you say, nevr quarrels with you, but nesflash, I'M NOT LIKE THAT. I'm just a 14-year-old treated by friends as a retarded and chidish one who always says and does everything wrongly. When I shout at you all to do work faster so we do not need to do last minute work for a project, you call me bossy. When I sms you all knidly to remind you all of something, you answer curtly: 'I did that a long time ago.' etc, not thank yous ever received. When I am being incessantly nice to you by checking one you, you all find me irritating, annoying, cold blooded. I didn't know that when you were overly nice to someone, you are thought as evilo. And you aalways complain about the things that make me me. If you cannot understand that is the way I am, then I guess we can never be best friends.


This is a simple story I write during my free time. It is not a real story of anyone and the names are totally random. The main character is called Lily and her friends are Elizabeth, Lisa, Tricia, Alice and Brittany. This is about events I think most people may worry about or be angry or sad or very happy or proud or any other emotion about.